Friday, November 20, 2009

Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys Part 2 (1988)

Classic Helloween, definitely. I can't say I remember how I first started listening to them, but I'm sure it has to do with listening to HammerFall first . . . and I suppose I was supposed to review the earlier works such as Keeper of the Seven Keys Part 1 or even Walls of Jericho with Kai as the vocalist, but I'll get to that later on.

Don't you remember the good ol' days?

This album, as a whole, is generally a delightful experience that feels like it is telling you a story from beginning to end. Its melody, uplifting and knowledgeable lyrics, and intense guitar solos definitely helps along with the superb production. Kiske did a hell of a job on the vocals, easily heard on "I Want Out," "We Got the Right," and "Keeper of the Seven Keys."

Michael Kiske: Vocals
Kai Hansen: Guitars
Michael Weikath: Guitars, Keyboards
Markus Grosskopf: Bass
Ingo Schwichtenberg: Drums

Invitation – 1:06
Eagle Fly Free – 5:08
You Always Walk Alone – 5:09
Rise and Fall – 4:22
Dr. Stein – 5:05
We Got the Right – 5:08
Save Us – 5:13
March of Time – 5:14
I Want Out – 4:40
Keeper of the Seven Keys – 13:38

Final thoughts on "Keeper of the Seven Keys": It's the staple German speed/power metal album which I HIGHLY recommend to anybody who has interest it the fusion. 9.5/10.


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